Category: Uncategorized

At Stono Dental Care, we work hard to educate our patients on the small steps towards sustainability they can take throughout their daily dental routines. From conserving water while brushing to choosing dental products made from sustainable materials to participating in a recycling program, there are many steps you and your family can take towards...

You may have heard the terms dental bridge and dental crown and wondered what the differences are between them. Stono Dental Care offers both dental bridges and dental crowns as part of our suite of treatments to restore missing or damaged teeth. Keep reading to learn more about these two popular dental restorations. What Is a Dental...

Canker sores are uncomfortable and when you have one, all you can think of is getting rid of it! Here is some helpful information about canker sores: what causes them, how to prevent them, and how to make them go away. What Are Canker Sores? Canker sores are small, shallow ulcers in your mouth that...

Halitosis is a fancy word to describe chronic bad breath. Although everyone can get bad breath, this is an issue that doesn’t go away after a few weeks. Worrying about frequent bad smelling breath can cause embarrassment and anxiety. Stono Dental Care can usually discover the cause of halitosis and provide treatment to clear it...

Here at Stono Dental Care (your local Johns Island, SC dental office), we know that accidents happen. You were probably pretty surprised when you were eating your salad, and suddenly there was a big hard something rolling around in your mouth, and you pull out a gold crown! There didn’t seem to be any pain...

What do acne and gum disease have in common? If your answer is that both are painful, frustrating health conditions, you’re only half right: scientists have discovered that there may actually be a link between poor oral health and acne. At Stono Dental Care, we want our patients to understand that excellent oral hygiene not...

If you’ve ever run your tongue over your teeth and realized that your teeth felt fuzzy, you’re not alone! This unpleasant sensation has several causes, from your diet to poor oral hygiene. However, you can void fuzzy teeth with a few lifestyle changes. Today, Johns Island dentist Dr. Game and our team want to share...

Most people get their wisdom teeth removed when they’re young and their bodies are good at rapidly healing. Some people, though, don’t get their wisdom teeth removed until they absolutely have to or when they have the financial resources to. Here are a few things you should know about wisdom teeth removal. How Long Will...

Most people are familiar with the term “root canal” because of its association with the dental procedure of the same name that is used to treat a severe infection inside the tooth. You may be unfamiliar, however, with what the root canal itself is and how to tell if it’s infected. To help you better...

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